Participation-oriented aftercare at the Munich Outpatient Children’s Hospice

Moving Child has already supported the Munich Outpatient Children’s Hospice Foundation (AKM) in various areas in recent years. Now we are supporting the area of participation-oriented aftercare by financing personnel costs. The AKM cares for families with terminally ill and critically ill unborn babies, newborns, children, adolescents and adults throughout Bavaria, as well as seriously ill parents with minors in the household.

Participation-oriented aftercare supports the family in not losing or regaining their connection to society. Various mothers’ and fathers’ groups, sibling days and a summer holiday program enable those affected to exchange ideas and meet up. The aim is to experience positive moments together, from which the families can draw strength and energy for their challenging everyday lives. In addition, it is often due to the many worries and the financially strained situation that families are unable to afford or organize a visit to the cinema, museum, zoo, etc. With the participation-oriented aftercare, therapeutic experiences (e.g. riding school, writing workshop, painting, MUT courses), excursions and parties are organized and offered to around 400 families every year.