Moving Child supports financially disadvantaged babies, children, and teenagers worldwide.

Our main aim is to promote and enable access to basic health care as well as education and training.

We are pleased that you have found us – whether as a potential sponsor for our projects or because you are looking for support.

“We are moved by babies, children and young people who are looking for support for their own life plan.”

“We support projects that are a safe haven in crisis situations and offer contact, connection and protection.”

“Health and education are particularly close to our hearts. Our support projects give children support and space here.”


Touching rays of hope for children in need

Last year, we began sponsoring MainLichtblick e. V.. MainLichtblick used the funds to fulfill five very touching wishes and provide a ray of hope for children in need: a cargo bike for 1-year-old Fria, mobility for 14-year-old Nele, a communication device for 8-year-old Emilio, riding therapy for 6-year-old Ludwig and 7-year-old Lenni. The great joy and positive development of the children is wonderful to see.

Hooray! The new mattresses for Morukutu Primary School have arrived!

The children at Morukutu Primary School in Namibia can finally sleep on real mattresses again. Thanks to the Outjenaho association – bright children's eyes – which was able to realize the production and delivery of new mattresses in Namibia thanks to our donation, among other. So happy to see the beaming and grateful children with the new mattresses! A fantastic and important project!

Projects supported by Moving Child