Wildwasser association
- Project: Summer holiday
- Reponsible body: Wildwasser e.V.
- Supported: 2020-2021
Wildwasser is an association against sexual violence in Berlin. Their offers are aimed at girls and adult women who were exposed to sexual violence as girls or adolescents, and their relatives and supporters. DonyA is a transcultural residential group of the Wildwasser association, which currently comprises nine girls between 12 and 18 years. The young women come to the residential group because they have experienced (sexualized) violence or neglect in their families, are in conflict situations that they cannot resolve on their own, or because their home does not offer the necessary stability. The main goal of the work at DonyA is the empowerment of girls in all areas of life. The focus is on activating their own skills and resources. In 2020, Moving Child financed a summer trip for the nine girls living in the transcultural residential group DonyA. For many of the girls this was the first vacation of their lives.